
Settings Stores - list of all stores.

Settings Malls - list of all shopping malls

Settings Brands - list of all monitored brands. The table is adapted for a quick overview and shows the number of monobrand and multibrand stores Click on the number of stores to get a specific list.

2 Filters

Store type - Monobrands - stores selling one brand. Multibrands - stores selling multiple brands.

Brands - Shopingy Generally monitors selected world-famous brands and stores. We monitor all stores in the Shopping malls regardless the generally monitored brands to create the most accurate GAP analysis of the shopping malls. Click on the number listed in the Brands column to get a list of brands sold in the store.

Major Category - category that determines the most common assortment in the store..

Store Categories - additional categories of the assortment of the given store. If the main category is significantly dominant, the additional category is the same as the main one..

Store Tags - more store specifications

Store Sqm - store size in sqm. Information is constantly being updated.

Store Size - table for quick orientation - jaký je rozdíl mezi space a size?. The information is constantly being updated.

  • XXL - 1 500 sqm and more
  • XL - 600 sqm - 1 499 sqm
  • L - 200 sqm - 599 sqm
  • M - 61 sqm - 199 sqm
  • S - 16 sqm - 60 sqm
  • XS - less than 15 sqm

Store Status - Division of stores into active - open stores and closed - closed store. closed stores are in red


Click & Compare - a unique function for creating GAP analyses.
1.Compares up to 10 selections (shopping malls, stores, streets, etc.) Results can be sorted by : - number of found matches - by alphabet selections are marked in green 2. Compares all brands sold in filtered stores

Heat Map - a unique function for display of up to 10 selections within one map (as stores, brands, streets etc). Each of the selection is displayed in a different color.

Stores History - monitors opening of new stores and closing of existing stores.